Tuesday 29 August 2017

Band as Car


A band should think of itself as a vehicle for ideas. Fueled by adoration, to keep it going.
What sort of Car is your Band ? 
Break it down into its component parts. 

The singer/songwriter: the steering wheel of the vehicle, directing the trajectory to which the vehicle must go, down long lost highways, desert strip blues bars, nightclubs downtown, lovers lost to the night, looking for a way back home. 

The Bassist - melodic in their riffs, keeps the rhythm of the car.  They are the chassis and the wheels that take you where you want to go. Those succulent bass lines will hook you into the ride. Who knows where you may end up on the road to oblivion. He maybe in his own world, she maybe wanting you to join her.

The Guitarist - blasting out chords and solos, or subtle linear drones, is the bodywork, the cover piece that makes your car look sexy and awsum. They are the leather upholstery that creaks in your moving, the mojo in your pants. That girl you caress in the reclined position.

All the other instruments such as keyboards etc, are the chrome sheen of the finish, those cool trims and fenders that glint in the failing sun.

Finally the percussion elements: the Drummer.

The very engine keeping the band chugging along, motivating, getting  it from one place to another. A band without a drummer is a car without an engine. Pounding pistons, pushing the peddle to the metal, burn the rubber. Shifting the gears  from cruising speed to full throttle.

The Fans, the groupies, the band aids. These  are your gas, the precious juice,  the drinking water of life from which you drive for. From town to town you will need to find them. The band has to work together or it will falter and fail. Splutter to a stop in a ditch by the side of a lonely desert road. It must hold it together, work together, co operate and hit the gas. 

Keep it going.  Drive and Drive. To the farthest corners,  shiny and chrome - to the ends of the Earth, to the gates of Valhalla and beyond. 

Vanishing point.