Wednesday 3 January 2018


Look out ladies. I have a dick. I am the pervert who licks you with his eyes. The scumbag on the subway who brushes against your thighs...

The dick who wolf whistles as you pass in the street - the lap dog licking at your feet.  

 Beware I might follow you home, corner you in a ally way, or just catch you random on another day...

Don't matter. I have a dick . 

Its hard for you right now. 

I am Lon Chaney jnr, struggling with his inner wolf. 

I need wolfsbane. 

I need gypsy girl love. 

           The type of love that gets ...

that I have a dick.

With no array of swat teams and helicopter gunships - no King Kong ending ...

only Feminazis standing over my bullet riddled body, 
surrounded by press, one says to the other : 

‘his dick was way too big, 
for this world’.

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